Events Calendar

The Simon & Garfunkel Story
Sunday, May 26, 2024, 02:00pm
Hits : 145
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Accessible seating is configured with a 1 to 1 arrangement in the Orchestra and Mezzanine Levels. Companions will have a seat provided to them beside the wheelchair. Additional companion seats may be purchased in sections nearby.

The concourse area is completely accessible with entry from the main entrance doors. Elevator access available from the main lobby to the mezzanine level and the upper balcony.

Wheelchair accessible washrooms located on the orchestra and mezzanine levels.

Accessible parking is available with valid decal and may be reserved in advance for Queen E parkade (off Cambie). With ticket info, call (604)665-3050 at least 24 hours in advance.

630 Hamilton St
630 Hamilton St
British Columbia
V6B 5N6