Events Calendar

Barrel fundraiser: for Carrie Bannister and Scott Harris
Friday, August 09, 2024, 06:30pm
Hits : 157
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Come join use on August 9th, 2024 for a fun 3D barrel race. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each D. This event will be MBRA so you will need a membership or permit to enter. Entry fees are 65% payout 35% held back for fees and the bride and groom. There will be a silent auction, 50/50 and a pot luck to follow the event if anyone chooses to join. Pre entry will be august 7th-8th until 12pm. Day of entry’s will be accepted till 5:30pm and you will be put at the bottom of the draw. For Non MBRA members that would like to participate in the jackpot can do so by getting a permit in advance from the MBRA website. This event is free for spectators. The silent auction and 50/50 will be open to everyone.

Selkirk Park
486 Eveline St