Events Calendar

Unnecessary farce 2nd Sunday Matinee Performance
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 11:30am - 04:30pm
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We are proud to present Unnecessary Farce by Paul Slade Smith directed by Jennifer Phillips, onstage beginning April 12 2024. The show will be a dinner theatre with catering by Bob Ronnie catering. Friday and Saturday performances will feature a prime rib buffet, Sundays will be matinnee performance with a brunch buffet.

Two cops. Three crooks. Seven doors. Go. In a cheap motel room, an embezzling mayor is supposed to meet with his female accountant, while in the room next-door, two undercover cops wait to catch the meeting on videotape. But there’s some confusion as to who’s in which room, who’s being videotaped, who’s taken the money, who’s hired a hit man, and why the accountant keeps taking off her clothes

Devon Community Centre (Copy)
20 Haven Ave