Events Calendar

VICFS Trivia Night Fundraising Event
Saturday, November 04, 2023, 07:00am - 10:30pm
Hits : 162
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It’s back! Join us for an exciting evening of good times, fun and trivia! Through our popular Trivia Night Fundraising Events, we’ve raised over $100,000 for the Festival’s Community Programs.

Grab a team of 4 together and join us for our Trivia Night Fundraising Event on Saturday, Nov. 4th, to raise funds for our Adopt a Class Program.

Enjoy a 50/50 raffle, interactive donation lanterns, silent auction, as well as a bar and snacks. Let’s have some fun and help make lifelong memories for children in need! Prizes will be awarded to the top team!

Martha Lou Henley Rehearsal Hall
1955 McLean Dr
British Columbia