Events Calendar

Persian food festival
Saturday, August 03, 2024
Hits : 149
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Toronto is a vibrant mosaic of ethnicities and cultures, and its true strength lies in diversity. Tens of thousands of Persian Torontonians call the city their home, preserving their customs and culture while welcoming all non-Persian neighbors, friends, and colleagues with open hearts and minds.

To celebrate Toronto’s multiculturalism, we invite people from all walks of life and backgrounds to join us for a fun-filled Three-day event in August 3, 4 and 5, 2024, showcasing Persian food, music, and culture. Shier Media is proud to host the Persian Food Festival at the heart of Richmond Hill, with free admission for all. Bring your family and friends to enjoy live entertainment and, of course, the delicious Persian cuisine at the beautiful grounds of Richmond Green.

1300 Elgin Mills Rd E
1300 Elgin Mills Rd E
Richmond Hill