Events Calendar

Networking Event: For Wellness Practitioners in Niagara
Wednesday, November 08, 2023, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 137
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Networking Event for Wellness Practitioners Connect with others & open the doors to discounted business opportunities!

A Networking Event for Wellness Practitioners

Who is a "Wellness Practitioner"?

A wellness Practitioner is someone who teaches/facilities yoga, reiki, fitness, mindfulness, tarot reading, psychic readings, breath work, stretching, meditation, etc. Anything... wellness!

Many in this industry are looking to connect, collaborate, learn, share & what better way than a networking event!

During this event you will have the opportunity to SPEED NETWORK (similar to "speed dating") you will connect with each practitioner to discuss successes, challenges & areas for collaboration.

The Vintage Venture
6289 Huggins Street
Niagara Falls